Boring Class = New Theme

Sometimes class is too unbearable to pay attention. Tonight was one of those nights. The professor is agonizingly bookish weird… you know the type. She loves books that you have no idea what they mean until she says that you’re too stupid to catch all the nuances in the text.

I don’t take to that environment very easily. I had my laptop and Wi-fi card, so I went theme hunting and remade the blog. I’ll have to slap on a new logo later. I have been in the process of re-creating the logo to leave on the old theme, but this is pushing me beyond that.

So far, the votes for this theme are favorable. What say you?


  1. Better Jesse!

    I always feel the posts on a blog should always be the focal point for the reader. Nice Logo too!

  2. Better Jesse!

    I always feel the posts on a blog should always be the focal point for the reader. Nice Logo too!

  3. Great hearing from you again, DM.

    I agree, but it was harder than I thought it would be, while still getting all the info to make my blog unique on the page at the same time.

  4. Great hearing from you again, DM.

    I agree, but it was harder than I thought it would be, while still getting all the info to make my blog unique on the page at the same time.

  5. I love the logo! Interesting stories on there too…I’ll send it to Nick.
    Have a great day!

  6. I love the logo! Interesting stories on there too…I’ll send it to Nick.
    Have a great day!

  7. I really like the articles you posted; very interesting. But, I liked your old layout better. JMO.

  8. I really like the articles you posted; very interesting. But, I liked your old layout better. JMO.

  9. To each [her] own, I suppose. Articles, design, ah… all good if you take each comment on its own.

    Thanks for reading.

  10. To each [her] own, I suppose. Articles, design, ah… all good if you take each comment on its own.

    Thanks for reading.