Tropical Storm Fay Says, “Hi”

We are looking down the barrel of Fay every other tracking update. She is keeping the meteorologists guessing and they have her path wandering between Ft. Myers/Naples and Tampa/St. Pete. As of 5am, she’s headed for Ft. Myers. Stay tuned for more from “sunny” Florida.

TS Fay

TS Fay


  1. Hi Jesse,

    Just want to wish you well with this new storm that’s on its way. We haven’t heard much about it down here in Oz, only what I pick up on the web.

    I was in Baltimore in 2003 when Isabelle (?) came through. It was only a cat 3 but I’ve never had windows rattle like that during any other storm… let alone having the power out for three days. Scary stuff.

    Anyway, keep safe. Don’t go out to do any kite flying while it’s happening.

    Cheers mate.

  2. Hi Jesse,

    Just want to wish you well with this new storm that’s on its way. We haven’t heard much about it down here in Oz, only what I pick up on the web.

    I was in Baltimore in 2003 when Isabelle (?) came through. It was only a cat 3 but I’ve never had windows rattle like that during any other storm… let alone having the power out for three days. Scary stuff.

    Anyway, keep safe. Don’t go out to do any kite flying while it’s happening.

    Cheers mate.

  3. Thanks, mate.

    It looks like it’s turning the right way now, but it’s past Cuba now and only going to get stronger. Nothing to worry about yet. Update on its way.

  4. Thanks, mate.

    It looks like it’s turning the right way now, but it’s past Cuba now and only going to get stronger. Nothing to worry about yet. Update on its way.