It’s been a crazy time of life lately. Just on the heels of spending a relaxing weekend to celebrate our first anniversary, I returned to more work than should have piled up in one day, a crazy pile of homework for Tuesday and Thursday class, and still trying my best to make enough time with my wife. It’s a busy life in paradise, but someone has to do it.
Two weeks later, I’ve nearly recovered from the increase in work, thanks to my second promotion! Yeah, now I’m being expected to do the work that I’ve been doing. Kind of a new twist on things, and it sure made things line up at my door. I pulled over my desk extension that I use when I’ve got a lot of paperwork so I can rest my arms on my desk instead of documents.
My new position is the same as before, only one level higher. What’s so cool about the promotion is that the position is supposed to require 6-8 years in the field. While I’ve got about 15 years of professional computer experience, the corporate office environment is still barely two years old to me. I’ve got one more step to go until the next level when they stop paying time and a half for overtime. Cool.
On another note, a buddy of mine and I are starting up an LLC for a blogging venture we’re about to undertake in the gaming blog community. We are getting things underway for that paperwork and have a business model planned out. We’re working with contributors and such on additional content and are quite pumped about the whole plan. It will take a bit of effort to get things off the ground, but from then on, it won’t be any more work than what we’re doing now.
School is coming along just fine, aside from a crazy professor who never returns our papers. That’s gotten really old really fast, but I’m just about over it now. I think we only have 3 more classes to go. Spring registration is next week, and I’m going to jump on Advanced Technical Writing and either one of the Brit Lits or a Shakespeare.