5 Sure-fire Ways to Increase Search Engine Traffic

I have been tweaking with my code and keywords, and other methods for almost two years on my other blogs, and I finally have some concrete methods for SEO. I’m no expert, but this blog was on Google’s radar in less than a week. It appears #1 in Google searching for ‘perfectly petersen’ and appears on the second page already for ‘Jesse Petersen’ alone, even with no quotes.

Now that I have substantiated myself as knowing what the heck I’m talking about, here is how I did it with this blog:

  1. Create a sitemap. Google really likes sitemaps, and WordPress even has a sitemap plugin – Google Sitemaps. Go to http://www.google.com/webmasters to get started without the plugin.
  2. Use search engine bot code (such as googlebot) in your META tags in the header and good keywords to draw in a base of searches.
  3. Make sure you add titles to all of your links and images on your blog. Search engines love titles.
  4. Post frequently to give the search engines a constantly updated crawl time, showing added interest to your site.
  5. Use tags in your posts to draw additional traffic from social networking sites that will pop up on the search engines for searches of those tags. (http://technorati.com/tag/Jesse+Petersen)

[tags]Technorati, Jesse Petersen[/tags]